i know... i've been woefully silent on my blog as of late... sorry. you'd think that as i'm not getting up and going to work every morning that i'd be a more prolific blogger, but alas, i'm not.
The last few weeks have continued to be a roller-coaster of emotions. I'm upbeat and optimistic one day, then ready to crawl under a rock until they are giving jobs away again. I am keeping busy I have approximately 5 job websites that I check every day or so for jobs. I workout every day. I've been working on my bicycle. I now just need to get air in the tires, very important for it to move smoothly down the road. And for all the jobs I apply for, for all the companies that I post my resume to their website - I definitely hit the bottom of the optimism well, and I just felt that I'd never find another job again. Admittedly I'd rather be an optimist and a fool, than a pessimist and right. But even the lack of progress was daunting to me. I have an amazing support system of friends who were always quick to say - you are wonderful and fabulous and you'll be find a company and a job you look forward to going to everyday. And they will want you as much as you want them. Oh that is a lovely thought.
And this week, I made progress on a rather large personal challenge, and I got an email from a consulting firm I'd LOVE to work for and on Friday I got a call back from a software retailer wanting to set up an interview! And I randomly ended up talking to a woman at the bus stop (shock & amazement I know) who is a recruiter! And she understands what I do! It was a trifecta of fabulous progress this week!
Finally! Progress! 2 interviews in the next few weeks. Oh I know that nothing may come of them, but still - to toil away in the dark - not knowing if you are truly making progress, is hard.
Thank you friends for your 2nd hand optimism! I reserve the right to look to you again for that optimistic boost!
And keep your fingers-crossed for the job interviews to go well!