well it seems that as I moved again I picked up some sort of health conscious virus... I prepare my breakfasts and snack packs on a Sunday night - which are all healthy snacks like strawberries, mango, carrots and today I bought and cut bell pepper - for the week. I have all my tupperware washed over the weekend and Sunday night I'm in the kitchen chopping fruits and veg for my enjoyment all week!
And worse of all I've become totally addicted to running. Or at least, I'm addicted to working out. I'm hitting the gym about 4-6 days a week. And though I whine about it - I love it. Somehow...
I don't know what's come over me... I'm so health conscious. I'm actually thinking of signing up for a 5k that will take place in November. When I go out to dinner I actually make the healthy choice. Or if I make the unhealthy choice - I count the calories and be sure to work out if I have the chance or be sure to eat a little leaner the next day!
I seem to be getting healthy and stuff. Egads!