Monday, November 12, 2007

the miracle of the packing list

so i'm packing my suitcase for work and then for my trip to scotland and then back to work. tuesday morning i leave for LA for a day of work. i work wednesday morning and then pop back to the hotel - change (though stay the same) - and then pop down to LAX and i'm off on a jet plane! my return is similar. i leave scotland monday morning - then london - then the long haul to LA arriving monday night. tuesday morning back into the office. wednesday - the office and then a 6pm flight home. and tonight i'm staying with a friend in san francisco as my flight is at 9am tomorrow and i don't want to pay for 2 weeks of parking. she's going to keep my car safe and drop me off and pick me up! sweet! she's an uber-friend.
so anyway - the miracle packing list. i am using a suitcase i have been known to fill to 50 pounds. i am trying not to do that before i get there! so i've got a handful of shirts, etc. packed. just enough if i do laundry while i'm there. :)
i actually created a list of the things i would need - which reminds me, i need to pack my toilet bag. i have everything ready to go - i just need to put it in the suitcase.
i'm just so impressed - the suitcase is barely half-full! woot.
i guess all of the traveling over the last few weeks has helped me perfect my packing!
actually, i need to pack the cat up too. he's heading off to kitty camp while i'm gone. actually he'll be staying with my friend cat for a few days and then my friend maggie when she gets back.

off to pack the cat's stuff.

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