Thursday, February 28, 2008

can you hear them?

the angels that are signing? they sing in celebration of the glorious creation of wireless internet in my apt!
so after much harassing and annoying of att - i too are once again part of the digital age. i have internet, wireless internet (martini shaken, not stirred).
i never knew how much i missed having instant access to the web and its fountain or useless (and not so useless) information. i don't have to plan my day around when i'll have internet and what information I'll need before i get my next fix.
and a drug it is.
is there internet rehab?
well i know i don't have a problem - but some of you might.

i'm off to read my daily overdose of and see if i can get my work computer to connect. though, when i think about it - why would i do that when i can find out the latest on whether or not we're heading toward interesting economic times and if gas really will hit up to $4 in CA for a sustained period of time. or i could just go check out the latest Hollywood gossip.

hope to run into you on the cyberwaves...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahh, I can understand. I am petsitting for a week and I can use their computer that is hooked up to the internet. But, I can't use my laptop to hook into their encrypted wireless router. It seems such a pain to walk all the way upstairs, start up their computer, and be tied to one spot! To top off all of the excitement, at 6am this morning a rather large light fixture in the bathroom decided to jump off of the wall! Good times.