Monday, March 31, 2008

Things I learned about myself while traveling to Savannah for my sister’s wedding

1. I don’t want to be in a plane when it is struck by lightning.
2. I have real problems/issues, etc when people are essentially standing on top of me in line. And this is true of any line ( I will continue rant about places where you are morally obligated to be at least 6 steps away from me)! I do not need to move 3 feet forward to close the gap between me and person in front of me. There are about 20 people behind us who are scheduled to get on this plane too. The pilot will not (well, he shouldn’t any way) take off if we’re standing on the jet way! Chill out!! You will get on the plane. I promise. But if you continue to stand on top of me, I’m just going to continue to swing my bag innocently at your shins. As I said previously, I really don’t like people.
3. I like having a window or an aisle seat when traveling on the plane (but this I knew previously). But I don’t want to have a seat that is BOTH! I am in a flying sardine can. Everybody remain calm.
4. That I have high traveling standards. I had a nice 2 plus hour layover in Houston, TX and my top priority was to find a spa or nail salon. I’ve been to 3 salons in airports, and I now assume that every major airport has a salon. (Have I become high maintenance?) The reason I was looking is that I didn’t get my nails done before I left SF and I want to get them done for my sister’s wedding and thought I’d kill 2 birds while waiting for my flight. Instead I watched a couple of episodes of recorded TV on DVD.
5. People’s personal habits truly disgust me. People seem to be confusing the terminal for their living room. I don’t mean the people sprawled out along the walls re-powering their electrical devices. I mean, what people wear in the airport these days. People are wearing things I couldn’t be caught sleeping in. Heck, I watched one guy scratch himself under his shirt letting his belly just hang out for all of us to see! Dear God man, cover up and scratch yourself through your shirt – no need to show the furry belly!
6. I like free alcohol. Thank you flight attendant! You rock! ( I suspect this free alcohol comment surprises none of you)
7. I really want to write a book as it has to be cheaper than me buying one! I’ve always wanted to write a book. Well, almost always. There was about 2 year period post-dissertation where I didn’t want to read anything with big words or write anything that was more than writing in my diary or writing my rent check.
8. Also learned that for as much I want to write a book, I have no idea what in the world to write.
9. I want someone to hurry up and invent the tele-porter/transporter (and I don’t mean Jason Statham)! I hate FLYING!!! Hurry up and get here Star Trek (or Stargate SG1/Atlantis).
10. Fish Eye wines (on the plane) are pretty good. Please note learning #6.


Mrs. Finch said...

I would like one Jasan Stratham please. :)

Kittie Flyn said...

OMG - I totally feel your pain about people who stand too close while in line. I loathe it when people stand right next to me while I'm checking out at the grocery store or at the ATM. I'm sure they don't want ME crawling up THEIR ass while they're doing financial transactions. Or maybe they do...perhaps they have a fetish.

Mrs. Finch said...

At the post office - some people stand so close I can tell what they had for breakfast. The clerks are aware and tell people to back up - pretty nice of them!