Thursday, July 24, 2008

I want to believe

that the new X-Files movie is going to be amazing and fantastic and i'm going to love it as much as i do it's much older movie and TV siblings.


This might be the one movie i see opening weekend this summer. i have stayed away from the trailers until today... i'm very excited to see the original cast (Duchovny & Anderson) together and none of this "we can't kill the character - so let's pretend it's the same actor" stuff - your actor jedi mind tricks don't work on me new Mummy movie.
the trailer did seem like it follows in the TV show's tradition and it is probably best i don't get popcorn or i'm going to end up wearing it as i'll be jumping out of my seat. a lot.

make it a milk duds. they probably stay in the box better.

regardless of my snack choice - I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Mulder - here I come!

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