Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Optimist Girl's rules to driving

1. if you are in front of me - you must be going faster than i - in case you are confused, the pedal on the right
2. there is no reason for bad manners or bad driving during bad traffic - use the courtesy wave
3. breaking. never break on the freeway - unless necessary. the freeway is about going fast not checking if your brakes are working. this is specifically true during the morning or evening commute.
4. during the evening commute - you are not the only person who has had a long and potentially busy/painful day - be polite - don't cut people off and pay attention to the idiots around you.
5. during the morning commute - you are not the only person who would rather still be in bed - pay attention to the idiots around you. let people in - it delays you getting to work. unless you are running late - which in that case: you should have woken up earlier.
6. smile. it doesn't cost anything and just think - you aren't walking!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


in the corner of my.. uh.. something. so once again, i had several blog topics top of mind and once again - i forgot them. brilliant.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

the death of the courtesy wave

Rest in peace courtesy wave. I loved you. But I was a user. I used you mercilessly. Perhaps too often. But I never abused you or forgot you. I miss you now that you are gone. Your many forms. Admittedly your cousin 1-finger salute is around more than ever - i see him or her every where i go... but courtesy wave - you are gone. i let people in - in front of me... no wave. others let drivers in - no wave. perhaps however the one finger salute.
Courtesy wave I will continue to salute you when I can... even if the others have forgotten you.