Thursday, August 30, 2007

Optimist Girl's rules to driving - continued

you can pass trucks. these drivers are paid - trained professionals. You can pass them. they won't just randomly swerve into your lane and crush your car into little iddy pieces.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

music and the soundtrack of life

the car radio. have you ever noticed how sometimes on the radio all of a sudden a song comes on that plays to the very moment. well today that happened once again. i was commuting to work - everyone was driving crazy and all of a sudden - "it's the end of the world as we know it - and i feel fine" came on the radio. leave it to REM to get it right, in the moment.
it reminded me of one of my college roommies - she said that whenever she was having a moment of indecision she would put on a tape fast forward and rewind it and whatever song was playing when she hit play was a sign. not sure if that's true... but it works for the moment.
hadn't thought of that in years. college was a long time ago.