Thursday, February 28, 2008

can you hear them?

the angels that are signing? they sing in celebration of the glorious creation of wireless internet in my apt!
so after much harassing and annoying of att - i too are once again part of the digital age. i have internet, wireless internet (martini shaken, not stirred).
i never knew how much i missed having instant access to the web and its fountain or useless (and not so useless) information. i don't have to plan my day around when i'll have internet and what information I'll need before i get my next fix.
and a drug it is.
is there internet rehab?
well i know i don't have a problem - but some of you might.

i'm off to read my daily overdose of and see if i can get my work computer to connect. though, when i think about it - why would i do that when i can find out the latest on whether or not we're heading toward interesting economic times and if gas really will hit up to $4 in CA for a sustained period of time. or i could just go check out the latest Hollywood gossip.

hope to run into you on the cyberwaves...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

dieing an internet-free death

oh ... my... g... who knew going without the internet for 2 days would drive me to insanity? the internet at my new place isn't working. i called AT&T about it yesterday and i'm annoyed it isn't working. i was promised that i could get internet in my new place and i don't have it. apparently there is something wrong on the AT&T side. grumble.
so here is sit in Starbucks having to pay for the privledge to use their internet at $9.99 a pop. grr.
and of course i had to buy something. great. coffee at 645pm. brilliant. thank goodness for de-caf.

well, i've been silenced by 'the man' as i dont have internet...

what did we do before the internet??! how did we get bus schedules? keep up on the latest news? how did we keep up with friends?

oh the huge manatee!
a few days of no internet and i'm cracking up!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

life in the big city...

so, i'm all moved. i have a few bits and bobs at my old place - but for the most point i'm all packed and moved. last night i slept in my new place. it is definitely smaller but it is all mine and i'm excited about being back in San Francisco.

i had a few friends come over and help me move. THANK YOU!!

i am now surrounded by boxes... ooo... the excitement is overwhelming. and i'm now going to head out and do some errand running and buy a few essentials (and a few non-essentials) like a shower curtain.

catch ya'll later.

Friday, February 15, 2008


%itch Moan Whine.

i hurt from top to bottom. i hurt and i'm still in the same place. i hurt and my stuff is still in the same place. i hurt more now than when i saw my trainer!

for those of you older and my age... i am ... i am not old - but i am apparently desperately out of shape.

3 posts - 1 day. you know it isn't good.

in 24 hours i'll be in the new place. in 24 hours - i'm sure i'll look back on my current pain and mock my weakness.

i hurt at the thought!


someone save me from my packing nightmare... i'm sure this isn't a level of hell Dante considered...

someone please save me - all i have is this 6-pack (now 5 pack) of Sam Adams White Ale to keep my company!!!


movin' right along...

so, many of you know that i'm moving. I'm not going far - about 55 miles back to San Francisco. what a joy. i'm actually thrilled to be moving but i loathe packing. packing is right up there next to... uh... not sure - but i surely don't like it one bit.

for as much as i hate packing and moving i do enjoy going back through my stuff and reliving memories that i've tucked away and not looked at since i last moved. i have a military footlocker (trunk) that i use to keep most of my earliest memories and trinkets in. I have about 15 years worth of journals cataloging my errors of spelling and my increased obsession with boys. at least i'm consistent.

they sit in the trunk next to my first book - richard scarrey's 'what do people do all day'. i love that book. is it any wonder as i love what i do everyday. (except packing) and of course i have some college momentos and a postcard from my fav bar in college that is now a parking lot. *sigh*

while moving usually means change - my moves remind me why i ultimate love to move and go to new places - it is the new adventure that waits and the memories i can look fondly back upon!

but packing still sucks.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

the internet is creepy

i heart the internet, i really do. but tonight i received a note from a guy i knew in college. the name was INCREDIBLY familiar - but couldn't place the face... now the guy wasn't creepy - but ithe internet is creepy as it facilitates people always being able to find you.
though i guess that's only if you want to be found. and you put your name out there to be found.
so i guess i'm facilitating the creepy. and that's REALLY creepy.


though i must admit i have a handful of friend i've lost track of over the years and would love to get in touch with... but with women we can change our names at the drop of a hat - or marriage. so it is hard to id whether or not the woman you've found online is truly the one you are looking for.

either way - the internet definitely reached out from the ether this evening and tapped me on the shoulder.
