Sunday, July 27, 2008

saturday continued...

so yesterday evening (post - yoga class) i met upwith Zeina and some of her friends and some of their friends, etc for movie night in Dolores Park. it was a riot. The movie was 'The Breakfast Club'. A classic. I've actually never seen it from beginning to end in its entirety until now. I have seen bits and pieces so i knew the premise of the film, the characters, etc.
We arrived about 1.5 hours before the film and it was a mad house. SF residents EVEYWHERE! I won't mention that there was already a crazy long line for the restrooms. So we sat and chatted and enjoyed wine, and light snacks. Finally it gets dark and it is movie time!
We get the preview for the next movie - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Newman and Redford, how could one fgo wrong. And then the announcer guy comes on the speaker and started to explain that the views of the sfolks in this rated R film are not the views of the group etc etc. And that there are anti-tolerance things said during the film that were accepted 25 years ago when the ovie came out that should n't have been accepted.yadda yadda. only in SF do you need a caveat like that.
so the movie was great and the entire park audience added to the enjoyment of the film. actually i'd say it enhanced it greatly.
i definitely recommend it and hope to do it again soon!

i hurt in places, it feels so good

so i am sitting here in bed this morning reflecting on what was a 'busy' saturday... i started my morning by going to my first Weight Watchers meeting in San Francisco and my first meeting this year. I'm not sure when i last went to a meeting - but i went yesterday. And i tell all of my friends so that you can support me. I've gained 25 pounds in the last 10 years since i came to CA, August of 1998.

I have completed some great accomplishments in this time, finished my MA and Doctorate. I am gainfully employed and enjoy my job. I have some wonderful friends and i've kept in touch with the ones who aren't local ... but the fact i've gained 25 pounds in those 10 years, is not something i'm proud of, in any sort of fashion.

so the time has come for me to get my butt in gear as it were. so i started my week towards this goal by going to yoga on monday - but to say it was yoga is both true and misleading. as i mentioned it was a yoga class to focus on stretching. it felt REALLY good. But i went yesterday and 'today my body is saying - uh excuse me, now that's a yoga class. i feel sore almost all over and it feels so good. though my shoulder is spasming and it's really annoying. actually, sore isn't the right word, i think i am hyper aware of my muscles and how they work.

so this is the dawn of a new age.

an age of me and working out - being more aware of what i eat. and i am usually pretty aware. especially as i love food.

this is the first time, i'm been so honest about my struggles with weight - though if you've seen me recently it has been obvious.

thank you to my friends in advance for your support.

off we go on another grand adventure.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I want to believe

that the new X-Files movie is going to be amazing and fantastic and i'm going to love it as much as i do it's much older movie and TV siblings.


This might be the one movie i see opening weekend this summer. i have stayed away from the trailers until today... i'm very excited to see the original cast (Duchovny & Anderson) together and none of this "we can't kill the character - so let's pretend it's the same actor" stuff - your actor jedi mind tricks don't work on me new Mummy movie.
the trailer did seem like it follows in the TV show's tradition and it is probably best i don't get popcorn or i'm going to end up wearing it as i'll be jumping out of my seat. a lot.

make it a milk duds. they probably stay in the box better.

regardless of my snack choice - I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Mulder - here I come!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

i got stuck

so i got stuck in a moment today. really, really stuck. my head didn't want to function properly and to make matters worse, i was on the phone with my boss. talk about needing to hand the paycheck back.
but a coworker/friend recommended a walk around the block and i am moderately back in my own head. i also listened to a song i like to listen to when i'm trapped in my own head...

U2 - Stuck in a moment

i am not afrriad of anything in this world
there's nothing that you can throw at me that i haven't already heard
i'm just trying to find
a decent melody
the song that i can sing in my own company

i never thought you were a fool
but darling look at you

you gotta stand up straight
carry your own weight
these tears are going no where

you've got to get yourself together
you've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it
don't say that later will be better
now you're stuck in a moment and you can't get out of it...

Monday, July 21, 2008

the theatre party

so Friday after work I met up with Zeina, Melissa and Catherine for a post-work drink. Very pleasant.
in order to protect the innocent and the guilty - the names have been changed...

so one of us let's just call her... M had a party in Oakland - so off we went for Oakland via BART.

as we walk in the door to the party and see the gleaming faces of the fellow guests, we determine - 1 drink or 30 minutes (whichever comes first) we will leave. of course, offering our thanks to the host.

We generally had a pleasant evening until... a gentleman who i thought was gay started talking with us. By now a friend of M had shown up and the 3 of us were happily chatting away and the formerly gay gentleman (FGG) was now talking with us. M and I were beginning to discuss leaving when the friend and the FGG offered to give us a ride - M and i are divided. oh i panic i have been offered a ride from FGG - uh... no. you are creepy - though that was what i was thinking, i have manners.
so while FGG took a moment away M and i plot that i have "left" something at her apt and i must be taken home by her friend.
probably not a moment to confess i've never been to M's apt.
so M gets up for a second - and the friend is grabbing her bag and creepy FGG comes over and says 'i think it is time to leave' and i at this moment i'm glad to have the excuse ...
he looks disheartened... but still creepy.
so we collected our handbags while FGG was in the kitchen and literally ran out the door - and then down 3 flights of stairs. probably no the best of ideas after wine and cheese...
but we heard FGG coming down the stairs behind us - at a more reasonable pace. I saw him wandering around outside the apt looking for us (or his creep mobile) while we drive off...
but other than that - it was a lovely evening...

sorry FGG... but you were just too creepy.


so i finally made it to yoga this evening.

what a lovely experience. unfortunately for as good as a stretch as the class was - i unfortunately couldn't get my head to not think about the work i'd left behind so that i could go to yoga.

but all the same it was a lovely class. i found my new favorite yoga pose... pigeon. the one thing i love about yoga is being able to stretch my hips. the pigeon - is an amazing hip stretching pose.

so though my work was running though my head i got a good stretch. which is the whole point... now i'm motivated to go again. which i always have been but it was like a taste of what i've missed.

you are yoga on my mind...

Monday, July 14, 2008

where do you abandon a country?

A church doorstep? An adoption agency?
So let me give you some context... i went on vacation last week (oh glorious vacation). .. to Seattle and then to Vancouver, BC. As you know when entering a new country one must go through customs and immigration. Canada is no exception.
Now you may or may not know that I was born in Canada but carry a European Union passport as my parents are British - hence I get passport travel privileges. So the chap at the desk asked the usual questions about duration of visit, where you going, staying, etc. Then he asked me about when the last time i was in Canada - i say a few years - and ever so foolishly comment, i was born in Canada - which is obvious FYI as it says on my passport i was born in you guessed it - Canada. The incredibly serious chap behind the desk then looks at me and asked "Have you abandoned Canada"?
Excuse me?
Did you just ask me if i had abandoned a country?
yes, yes he did.
i pondered it for moment as this could be a trick question.
Of course, i said 'no'.
And he allowed me to enter Canada - oh the fool...

so since then i've been asking myself... how does one abandon a country?

i don't know how i could abandon a country - but according to the government chap you can.

who knew?

i didn't.

did you?