Sunday, October 28, 2007

the universe - gift giver

ok - so here are some personal basics about me. i believe in karma in a high level universal sort of way. i believe that what you 'put out' into the universe will come back to you. so for instance, if you are bad person, bad things happen to you. maybe not today - but eventually, yes, karma's day will come! if you have a positive outlook and are good to those around you - good stuff surrounds you. this is not to say that bad things happen to good people because they are really bad - this leads to what i also believe which is - things happen for some reason. oh there is randomness in the universe - but even most chaos is organized. my desk is a perfect example of this.
anyway - i've several friends in my life that have happened for a reason. they may come and go - but they impacted my life in ways they will never know.
so where this leads today's ramble (aka blog post) is that i put out into the universe what i was really thinking and feeling and darn it if the universe didn't answer in its high ironic way. darn you universe *shaking fist*.
but be it far from me to look a gift universe in the mouth!
thank you universe for once again reminding me that you need to be careful what you ask for - and as the holidays are around the corner - this is particularly true.

thank you universe!!!

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