Monday, May 12, 2008

Empress OG

earlier this week i had a bit of a crappy day with regard to my health. i am still happily healing - but as a friend reminded me - it was an episode that my body had to have to remind me that i am JUST NOW 2 weeks past major surgery and i need to take it easy. (my doc said at 4 weeks i'd feel as if i were almost 100%, but i'd be closerr to 100% at 6 weeks - 6 weeks! this optimist/impatient girl - wants to be better earlier!!)

so i did a couple of things to help me feel better. i took my pain medication. but that wasn't enough. so i tried to buy some stuff online. and as i've blogged about that before, doing it online just isn't as good as doing it out and about. with friends is especially good. though i have some friends it is better with than others. i have one friend who is all about - the planning and it is almost a tactical assault or as we call it - the ninja experience... *insert karate chop*

so shopping has lost it's appeal. well, sort of. i mean, i'll still get a rush buying something fabulous... but i think i'll try something else to help lift my spirits.

so - i decided i might start invading small countries and making myself empress... it worked for most of Europe... particularly the British... i mean, did the leaders of the countries say - i'm feeling a bit down - let's invade X and that should make me feel better? i think it's possible. during the times of conquering and global colonization, there were great advances in science/technology. admittedly there were quite a few down sides, but let's not dwell.

where should i invade first? what's going to give me that rush i need to feel better? canada? i mean, i was born there, so technically i'm canadian and that's not really invading a foreign country, since i'm a citizen. perhaps i should start smaller, canada really is quite large.

any suggestions?

until then, i'll stick with my pain medication (as needed and appropriate) and ebay.

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