Sunday, June 15, 2008

on the way to the forum

so today i went with a friend on her shopping adventures. i need to buy some outdoor furniture for the OG cave. Yes, the OG cave has a patio. well in usual fashion we did some bargain hunting... started a pier 1 - quite a few nice things, but more expensive than i wanted to pay. then we hit bed, bath and beyond and once again nice things - but this time with a great 50% discount. very nice. starting to get more reasonable in price. we then charged off to look for cost plus world market but apparently it has moved. so that was a bust. and then finally the holy of holies... target. we went to the target in the mall as my friend had to run 2 errands. and who am i to say no to the mall. really?
so we enter the mall. do purchase number 1 without me purchasing something frivolous that i don't need. and we then wander down the mall towards target. my friend needs to make purchase number 2 at a personal favorite store... and we go in... and i should just tell you now we entered, Victoria's Secret. nothing so secret going on in there - other than the fact that apparently the lack of lingerie choice in one style was due to the fact that people had stolen the entire collection... just stolen right off the counter. i don't need that much underwear. anyway, we didn't come out of the store without a few purchases. we then popped into hallmark where my friend bought a few cards and i found the funniest card... EVER!!! i didn't buy it. SHOCK! AMAZEMENT!! it was a hard one to resist... but i did somehow.

so this takes us FINALLY to Target... where on my way to the outdoor furniture - i found great pjs. my friend agreed they were a great buy and she herself found a t-shirt.
so this is where today's amuzing story comes to a head... we did find some great outdoor furniture at a great price. i didn't buy it. i have an online discount with target - so i'll buy it online and have it delivered.
so today the search was outdoor furniture - instead i was only successful in doing some pj/lingerie shopping! and anyone wonders why i can't go to the mall without a chaperon...

and great irony... i did have a chaperon and all we both came away with were lingerie!

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