Monday, June 16, 2008

top 5 things on your arm

so my friend was giving me a ride home after she cooked us dinner and she said 'oh i think i have some avocado on my arm, it's all sticky'. i retort - there are worse things you could have on your arm, which then degraded into us discussing the top 5 things to have on your arm and of course, the top 5 things you wouldn't want on your arm...

top 5 things on your arm...
5. avocado
4. apple sticky goo
3. ice cream
2. lotion
1. we didnt get this far - but i could say anything chocolate...

top 5 things you don't want on your arm...
5. spiders
4. tar
3. poo
2. chocolate in poo
1. scat (yes, i know this is covered by the previous 2 but i have always wanted to work this word into conversation - and though i think some people can sound as if they are full of scat - it just doesn't sound as good when you are really pissed off)

so go ahead and toss your top 5 things as my lists are kinda weak...

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