Saturday, January 5, 2008


there are just some things that remind me of college. Sex on the beach shooters, key card access to buildings, election years, any movies filmed in DC (esp True Lies) and purity tests. I remember getting those 100 question purity tests. did anyone ever tell the truth? i thought they were interesting. not so much for the answers but for the questions - where do people come up with these things? well - i know the answer to that now - but then.. i had no idea!
So this evening I completed the Dante Inferno Test... which level of heck would i find myself in...
as it happens yours truly would be in limbo. not bad eh? for those of you who have known me forever - stop snickering!!! i can hear you. that's not my guilty conscience speaking - i have also known you FOR-EV-ER!

so for those of you also feeling nostalgic - here's the link of the Dante's Inferno Test that i took...

i apparently don't spend enough time online - there is an entire entry in wikipedia about purity tests... which became popular during the 80's. Who knew?

here's that link for some fascinating reading...

And here's the link for a 500 question purity test... for those of you who are feeling particular ambitious or perhaps even bored.

And admittedly you can't mention purity tests without also mentioning nerd tests, hacker tests, and every other specialty "purity" test out there... oh the fun they used to be... well i'm hoping to 'keep it alive' and that everyone here goes out - checks out a purity test and has a bit of a nostalgic moment about college or that one time in life when you just enjoyed life.

1 comment:

Oh_mama said...

What about Goldschlager, pints of Ben&Jerry's and red wall paper?