Sunday, February 17, 2008

life in the big city...

so, i'm all moved. i have a few bits and bobs at my old place - but for the most point i'm all packed and moved. last night i slept in my new place. it is definitely smaller but it is all mine and i'm excited about being back in San Francisco.

i had a few friends come over and help me move. THANK YOU!!

i am now surrounded by boxes... ooo... the excitement is overwhelming. and i'm now going to head out and do some errand running and buy a few essentials (and a few non-essentials) like a shower curtain.

catch ya'll later.


Oh_mama said...

Hooray for moving! Best wishes in your new place, my dear!

Holly said...

Oh, wish I was there to share a bottle of bubbly with you.

Holly said...

Can you post pics of the new place, so at least I can IMAGINE that I have visited?

Amy Melrose said...

Yippy! You are all moved in! Very exciting.