Sunday, July 27, 2008

i hurt in places, it feels so good

so i am sitting here in bed this morning reflecting on what was a 'busy' saturday... i started my morning by going to my first Weight Watchers meeting in San Francisco and my first meeting this year. I'm not sure when i last went to a meeting - but i went yesterday. And i tell all of my friends so that you can support me. I've gained 25 pounds in the last 10 years since i came to CA, August of 1998.

I have completed some great accomplishments in this time, finished my MA and Doctorate. I am gainfully employed and enjoy my job. I have some wonderful friends and i've kept in touch with the ones who aren't local ... but the fact i've gained 25 pounds in those 10 years, is not something i'm proud of, in any sort of fashion.

so the time has come for me to get my butt in gear as it were. so i started my week towards this goal by going to yoga on monday - but to say it was yoga is both true and misleading. as i mentioned it was a yoga class to focus on stretching. it felt REALLY good. But i went yesterday and 'today my body is saying - uh excuse me, now that's a yoga class. i feel sore almost all over and it feels so good. though my shoulder is spasming and it's really annoying. actually, sore isn't the right word, i think i am hyper aware of my muscles and how they work.

so this is the dawn of a new age.

an age of me and working out - being more aware of what i eat. and i am usually pretty aware. especially as i love food.

this is the first time, i'm been so honest about my struggles with weight - though if you've seen me recently it has been obvious.

thank you to my friends in advance for your support.

off we go on another grand adventure.

1 comment:

Kittie Flyn said...

you are more people oriented than i so you might prefer the WW meetings. i did ww online and found it to be equally successful and cheaper. i signed up through and got a 3 month deal for $34.95 (available to all amazon customers) and it's 16.95 a month after that. it helped me lose 20 lbs. if you get tired of meetings, try that.