Sunday, July 27, 2008

saturday continued...

so yesterday evening (post - yoga class) i met upwith Zeina and some of her friends and some of their friends, etc for movie night in Dolores Park. it was a riot. The movie was 'The Breakfast Club'. A classic. I've actually never seen it from beginning to end in its entirety until now. I have seen bits and pieces so i knew the premise of the film, the characters, etc.
We arrived about 1.5 hours before the film and it was a mad house. SF residents EVEYWHERE! I won't mention that there was already a crazy long line for the restrooms. So we sat and chatted and enjoyed wine, and light snacks. Finally it gets dark and it is movie time!
We get the preview for the next movie - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Newman and Redford, how could one fgo wrong. And then the announcer guy comes on the speaker and started to explain that the views of the sfolks in this rated R film are not the views of the group etc etc. And that there are anti-tolerance things said during the film that were accepted 25 years ago when the ovie came out that should n't have been accepted.yadda yadda. only in SF do you need a caveat like that.
so the movie was great and the entire park audience added to the enjoyment of the film. actually i'd say it enhanced it greatly.
i definitely recommend it and hope to do it again soon!

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