Tuesday, October 7, 2008

OG time...

tonight i am enjoying a pleasant evening surrounded by favorite companions... me, myself and i!

oh and a glass of wine. can't forget the wine.

so yes... an evening of me time.

i learned (so did my college friends) that i need 'OG time' - time for me to decompress, be alone, read, watch tv; you know - let down the OG curls...

i realize that the older i get - the more 'me' time i need. it can be hard to balance the need for time to be alone with wanting to be social - but yesterday was among the most frustrating days at work yet... mostly because i couldn't actually get work done. my new work laptop arrived last week and technology support was supposed to take my laptop for 2-4 hours and create my new one... and viola... new exciting laptop. alas, as an optimist i can be seen as delusional at times - but alas - technology support was flat out insane. i handed over my laptop at 9am - got my old one back at 330pm - and then at 445pm - was told my new one wasn't ready.
i did have a few meetings that i could do while the tech refresh was happening - but unfortunately - not much else. i did get a nice 40 min work out in at the gym... but other than that. not much else.
a little frustrating to say the least.

so after a day like that - being told by tech support that the email outlined that the process would be long - and me having to say, yes, i accept that it isn't instant, but when you said 2-4 hours, i thought you meant, 2-4 hours! not ALL DAY!

well wednesday afternoon will be more of the same. as they have to finish what they started and i will finally get my new laptop. very excited.

at lest my day wasn't a complete wash. i was able to work out - and i knew i needed that OG time - so i'm getting that...

hopefully tomorrow i can actually get work done!

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