Wednesday, October 29, 2008

behind the orange curtain

today i flew into Irvine/Newport... John Wayne Airport. I am staying in "the OC". I've driven maybe 15 miles total today (including the 1 mile i was driving around lost) and in those less than 15 miles - the 5 miles from the office to the hotel were the most interesting. ok, the non-optimist answer is: agonizingly traffic painful. it took me over 30 minutes to go those 5 miles, on surface streets. yes, the traffic was crowded - but it was mostly the traffic lights. i think the lights in Irvine are to give the driver moments to meditate. meditate about what - that's a personal choice - but the not moving on the roads of Irvine/Newport (as i'm not exactly sure where one starts and the other stops) creates the true opportuntiy to reflect perhaps on the day.
at least i hope so - because it was otherwise a very long drive to not go very far - geographically speaking.

although the upside is that i did see some pretty fabulous cars. woo hoo! there's always an upside!

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