Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a moment in the movies

i moved into a new office a couple of months ago - and this office has more cabinets and drawers than the OG cave. i've never really looked in them until today. and i had this moment as i looked at the largest survival kit EVER, and thought - well, if this isn't foreshadowing I don't know what is... other than being followed by cellists who are playing that creepy music often found in movies.

so ... if you find yourself downtown in a natural disaster - my office, 2nd cabinet, 4th drawer down, you will find an emergency kit larger than my gym bag!

though on the other side - i feel comforted that my employer cares about my safety so much that i have the largest emergency kit EVER!

ADDITION: I went through the other 2 cabinets in my office and found 4 crowbars and another 2 of the largest emergency kits ever! so definitely my office in an emergency!!

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