Sunday, March 1, 2009

a grand compliment

so last night I went to a birthday/housewarming party a friend was hosting where I met his girlfriend for the first time, and she apparently reads this blog. She is the first person I've met who reads this blog who I didn't know already. She was complimentary about what I write here and that means a lot to me. I guess I knew that people read what I write - but I didn't realize that people who didn't actually know me, would linger and read...

As I look back over the posts over the last few months - I guess I wrote more about me about my life, my mood, my thoughts than I realized. The most humbling part of her compliment was that she could identify with what I wrote. I don't recall why I really started my blog 2 or so years ago - but I guess it was because I wanted to share my thoughts and find a new way to connect with people. And I've done just that. Who knew?!

So what now? It doesn't change what I write here... heck, it may mean I write more of what I'm thinking... but perhaps this is the sign that I was looking for - to start writing something more substantial. A book? Do more to get my blog out there (which means I'd actually have to spell and grammar check this more thoroughly)? Who knows. Maybe I just keep on going the way I have...

Either way - thank you for the compliment - it means a lot to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you could start out with a pamphlet. A manifesto of sorts