Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Muni: The Experience

So as I've moved into SF I've instantly become environmentally aware and i'm taking public transit to and from work. joy. if you have never taken a muni bus to work it is, to say the least, an experience. I take 2 buses. The first one goes near downtown - the other - not so much. So below are optimist girls tips and learnings from taking Muni...
1. like life - it isn't about the destination, but the journey along the way

2. i am a complete eavesdropper but it isn't as much fun when no one on the bus is gossiping in english. and before you ask i know it is gossip bc it sounds the same in any language

3. there is no limit to the number of people who will try (and be successful) squeezing onto an already full bus

4. always use the backdoor to get on the bus - otherwise you just face a grumpy driver at the front

5... i'm still recovering from missing 3 buses as they were so full i couldn't get on...

i'm sure i'lll think of more things i've learned other than i still prefer it to driving in SF during rush-hour...

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