Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A few things I learned about me at the gym tonight

- I am ready for it to be nov and the election is over and I can "enjoy" working out and watching tv I am sick of all of the political parties and the making up of new that happens - who is really watching that isn't on a peice of gym euqipment and forced to look at the tv is it the only thing to watch (read: acceptable, bc staring at people while they work out isn't acceptable)

- in the absence of real news on cnn, msnbc (no fox news - in a sf gym) or other real tv I will watch investment tv on cnbc

- that for as much as I hate working out and I dislike walking into the gym at 830pm; it is nice to walk into a quiet empty gym - generally void of ppl

- I need a really rockin' gym mix to help the time pass

- for all of my minging about going to the gym and working out - I really do enjoy it

- and finally, I've learned I must have suffered head trauma as I'm digging the gym

true signs of the apocalypse... get your bleach ready!

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