Thursday, September 4, 2008

must haves for the impending apocalypse

so i went to the gym again tonight!

*gasp* *shock* *amazement*

this is a new trend for me. the gym thing. i've not worked out with such frequency since... uh.. well, there was that time a million years ago! i'm no stranger, really, to the gym. i used to work out. never obsessively - but i went to the gym, you have to believe me.

this evening's visit is a new trend as i had an hour until my friend picked me up for group sushi dinner. and guess what i did... yup. i went to the gym. i went in - changed (bc i don't work out in a suit, usually) - did 25 min on the treadmill - went back to the locker room - showered (smelly sushi is just as bad as a smelly OG - more than you wanted to know i'm sure)... and popped off to meet my friend for my pick up!

oh i could have stayed at work - yes, yes, i could. but no. i did the right thing and went to the gym. that's 25 more minutes of exercise i wouldn't have normally had...

bravo to me.
but i definitely take this as a sign of the apocalypse... and the things at the top of my list to have ready to go are...
- batteries (a given)
- bleach (i grew up in FL, and just ask anyone when prepping for a hurricane, always have bleach)
- tins of those little sausages
- boxes of mac & cheese
- my favorite black and gray cardigans
- comfortable shoes

now, i'm ready for anything... until the apocalypse you can find me at the gym...

(never thought i'd say that)


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