Friday, December 19, 2008

And once again...

so once again i get hit on while I'm on the road/not at home. let me back up. while at the treehouse, alone, i go to the same spot for dinner. and tonight was my third night enjoying dinner for one at the bar. The ladies in the restaurant are very nice and Sandy, the bartender, ensures my beverage is refilled, regardless of what it is. (she makes a wicked Irish coffee which has helped me sleep with this evil cough)

So this evening, I was sitting reading and enjoying my desert with a kaluha coffee and a, shall we call them rambunctious, group of folks were leaving. One gentleman looks to Sandy and says to his friend, 'i've not met her.' the friend replies, 'well, she's been tending bar'. the original gentleman says, 'can i meet her'? and the friend says he can and he comes over to meet Sandy. Sandy says 'hello' and he introduces himself as Cookie (i'm guessing at spelling here). He then sees me sitting there, turns to me, takes my hand, and once again introduces himself. And I am pretty sure I then get the once over from Cookie. I should probably mention at this point that Cookie is approximately in his mid-60s. Cookie, then says my name again. Sandy mentions I'm visiting from California. He asks where and we launch into a brief chat about SF. His bro-in-law lives there, fab food, great bars, yadda yadda. He then takes my hand and says, I hope to see you again, down on the beach.

Now I thought nothing more of this exchange. I'm a young fabulous woman and probably among the youngest single women at the beach. And I suppose I have trophy woman written all over me... and I shrugged the experience off. But Sandy found this interaction interesting/entertaining/worthy of telling others. So when each of the waitresses came over - she had to tell the tale of me and Cookie. (I can't stop giggling at that name)

So once again - I leave home and men find me intiguing. I suppose they find me intriguing at home too - but I think the gent's name, "Cookie", and his ignoring of Sandy after his 'determination' to meet her is particularly amuzing.

So here's to you Cookie!


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